Worldwide action:

Print out a text for real democracy and on 5th of November 2012, show it visibly wherever you are. (more info)

Countdown: The fifth of November 2011

Only a couple of hours left till the fifth of November 2011, the first #PowerOfWordsDay.
Please think about these two things for tomorrow:

  1. Twitter or post about what you are doing or did on the fifth of November.
    In Twitter, address your tweet to us by mentioning “@FifthOfNovember” in the tweet or use the hashtag “#PowerOfWordsDay”. (We’ll also retweet your tweets.)
    Or post it in this posting below as a comment, or on our Facebook page.
  2. Remember this idea and this page for 2012.
    We are going to do this again on the fifth of November 2012, obviously with almost one year more time to organize for us all, so together we’ll reach even more people worldwide in 2012.

In addition, for all people living near Erlangen, Germany:
The local Real Democracy Now / Occupy group in Erlangen, Germany, who have voted in their weekly assembly to take part in our event here and to support it, have asked us to inform everybody where and when they implement this event on #nov5 locally in Erlangen:
Fifth of November, 16-18 o’clock (4pm-6pm), Hugenottenplatz, Erlangen, Germany. Details in this posting on their homepage.

The power of words. The power of symbols. The power of the people.
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Real democracy now.